Sustainability: Heritage, Genius Loci, Participation
It’s time to re-establish the role of Architect through a new, revolutionary approach to Architecture. Archabout promotes the role of Heritage, Genius Loci and Participation in the architectural design process as a sustainable connection between Places and People.
Performing Architecture
Our architectural design theory, training and practice answer the challenges of a constantly changing post-digital society, where the hybridation of architecture with scenography and spatial practice is a key factor to design and manage our fluid, contemporary living space which include the Real World and the Metaverse.
Image: Archabout's site-specific performance 'Euridice' at Rampa Prenestina, Rome (2008)

Archabout is a multidisciplinary research collective founded in 2008 by architects and scenographers with a common ground of being collaborators of prof. Gianfranco Moneta. They co-founded the Cultural Association Archabout as a laboratory of studies and production based in Rome, Italy, to continue thirty years of architectural design theory and practice of prof. Gianfranco Moneta at the Faculty of Architecture of University of Rome 'La Sapienza', towards the challenges of our contemporary world.
Current activities of Archabout include research and design in Italy and UK in the intersection between architecture, urban design, theatre, and spatial practices, in both real and virtual worlds. Archabout is also committed to research-led teaching in these areas, developing the longstanding methodology of Gianfranco Moneta that now includes the challenges of the Digital Built Environment of Metaverse. Archabout staff publish its research through academic journals, authored books, and articles; on this website, there are also reflections and debates on current topics related to architecture, urban design, scenography and spatial practice (see section 'Articles').
Past activities of Archabout included the organisation of exhibitions, conferences and seminars in Italy, France and Germany, the design and management of site-specific performances in Rome and Salerno, and the postgraduate Master 'Scenografia Urbana, Teatreale e Digitale' (Urban, Theatre and Digital Scenography) in collaboration with University of Rome 'La Sapienza'.
Archabout current activities
Archabout longstanding research: a multidisciplinary approach that blends together Sustainability, Architecture, Urbanism, Performance and the Metaverse.
Our Theoretical Framework and professional experience shared through the innovative AASOS Training Program for Sustainability.
Archabout latest articles about research, practice, and reflections on sustainability, architecture, urbanism, spatial practice and scenography.
New approaches and methods for our extended world that includes the coexistence of real and virtual places, which determine our real life and virtual life.
Scenarchitecture is a performative methodology that puts together architecture with theatre as a sustainable connection between People and Places.
Meet the team of Archabout: architects and scenographers committed to research-led design and education for the XXI Century.